This is a short post!
I am working on some new Chirstmas products that will be in my shops soon.
In the mean time please join me in celebrating!
First.. Wilma4ever is 2! YEAH!!! This is very exciting!
I am in on our storewide 1.00 (not all designers but many) HERE.
I am hosting some challenges in our forum HERE and I have a free goodie for those who play. :)
Divine Digital!
Yes, I have decided to really celebrate and have a 1.00 sale there too! HERE.
Oh yeah and I am hosting the shape challenge HERE and once again a free goodie will be offered to those who play.
On other news. Many of you know I have been slow in my design but I have some good news!
I have been learning many things over the past month to improve my skills. I have picked up another program and I hope to bring you many wonderful goodies that you will enjoy!
I will be filling my shops at much faster pace. :)
Other news.
Those who read my newsletters know that my family and I have been through a great deal over the past 6 months. My little girl had her 3rd open heart surgery and my husband had a stroke. :( The last 6 months have been a blur, I have cried, I have laughed, and I have cried some more. I have great news though. My little one is thriving and..... are you ready?? My husband is recovering at a much greater pace! YEAH! Everything will be OK, we still have some hurdles to overcome but we will!
I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
PS Watch my blog and your mail box next weekend for some great deals!
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